Working on something new for Norstedts förlag!
Work in progress!
Another sketch for ChunLab.
Work in progress!
New project for ChunLab in South Korea!
Sign Language
Since 2018, I have been a part of the team that updates the Swedish website Ritade Tecken with new illustrations of the sign language. Here are a few details from the spring 2020 update.
Sneak peek of something new!
Work in progress for STIB
Quick sketches! Working on a new project for STIB, the Swedish scaffolding association.
Sign Language!
Details from 3 new illustrations for the Swedish website Ritade Tecken.
Work in progress for a new US client.
New sketches for Previa
4 new sketches for Previa´s handbook for a healthy and profitable workplace.
Work in progress
Walking meetings. Quick sketch for Previa.
On my desk today!
Quick sketches for a new project ✍
Book Illustrations
Signing a contract for new illustrations. The sixth book about Emma, by Ann-Charlotte Ekensten will be published in January 2018 🌈
Work in progress!
My illustrations for Euroskills are being hand painted on banners by Sätt färg på Göteborg.
Photo: Jonas Lindstedt/ Göteborgsposten.

The hand painted canvases for Euroskills will soon be be mounted up around the center of Gothenburg. This giant canvas is 130 m2 and weigh 70 kg!
Sneak peak of what's to come! My illustrations are being hand painted on banners by Sätt färg på Göteborg for the event Euroskills, held at the Swedish Exhibition Centre on 1-3 December. Seven giant canvases will be mounted up around the center of Gothenburg.
Work in progress
Quick sketches for the fifth book about Emma, by Ann-Charlotte Ekensten.
Wirginia Woolf
Experimenting with shapes and contrasts.
Sneak peek of the Illustrations for the fourth book about Emma, written by Ann-Charlotte Ekensten. The book will be published by Vilja Förlag in august 2016.