Since 2018, I have been a part of the team that updates the Swedish website Ritade Tecken with new illustrations of the sign language. Here are a few details from the spring 2020 update.
Havana by Evylee
More illustrations for Barnombudsmannens 2020 annual report.
Illustrations for Barnombudsmannens 2020 annual report.
Cover illustration
Cover illustration for Barnombudsmannens 2020 annual report.
Dom tror att dom vet bättre
Illustrations for the 2020 annual report for Barnombudsmannen, a government agency tasked with representing children regarding their rights and interests.
Sneak peek of something new!
Anhörigas Riksförbund
More illustrations from the book “Uppdrag Anhörig”, published by Anhörigas Riksförbund 2020.
Uppdrag Anhörig
Illustrations from the book “Uppdrag Anhörig”, published by Anhörigas Riksförbund.
Anhörigas Riksförbund
Book cover illustration for “Uppdrag Anhörig”, Published by Anhörigas Riksförbund 2020.
2019 🌟
Yay! I got to draw so many fun things in 2019! Looking forward to a whole new decade of drawing 😍✍️
Länsstyrelsen Stockholm
3 more illustrations for Länsstyrelsen Stockholm.
Länsstyrelsen Stockholm
Illustrations for Länsstyrelsen Stockholm!
Victorian Vivvi
Packing today’s orders and will soon be sending this Victorian Vivvi print to Las Vegas 💌
Länsstyrelsen Stockholm
5 new illustrations for Länsstyrelsen Stockholm that will be used for the purpose of preventing and combating violence.
Ditt fertila liv
Illustrations from the book Ditt Fertila liv by Emma Karling Widsell and Carolina Tristen/ Norstedts förlag.
llustrations from the book Känslosmart by Maria-Pia Gottberg and Anna Eriksson Skarin/ Norstedts förlag 🧠✍️
More illustrations for the book Känslosmart by Maria-Pia Gottberg & Anna Eriksson Skarin / Norstedts förlag.

The brain and the nervous system
New illustration for the book Känslosmart by Maria-Pia Gottberg & Anna Eriksson Skarin. Published by Norstedts.
All six books in the Emma series by Ann-Charlotte-Ekensten. The books are written for young adults with intellectual disabilities. Published by Vilja Förlag.